Tuesday, November 9, 2010

No facebook decreases depression.

Withdrawals are over I think. I'm getting more used to spending time in different ways. It's amazing the things you can do! I baked cookies, went to the gym, got kudos on my presentation which is a big accomplishment since last time they critiqued it to no end! 

Something interesting is that I find out most information straight from the source and am sooOO excited to see people. Seeing people's fb pages you get a quick heads up or update on their lives, what they're up to, who they're dating etc. But today I found out my friend has a boyfriend and I was ecstatic! :) Then I saw a friend I haven't seen in a while and I was so excited to see him! Fb has taken that emotion away from social interaction. It makes you feel like you are involved in people's lives but you aren't. It's a trick, don't be fooled!

The nerd and psychology lover in me realizes that by taking away these little bits of surprises and joys your serotonin levels aren't as high as they would be without fb. Each year about 15 million adult Americans suffer from clinical depression. I'm thinking we should take fb away from them since that statistic increases annually. LOL! ANYWAY :) 

I still miss all of you, those status updates and wall posts sound so entertaining right about now!!! LOL miss you ALL!!!!!! xoxo


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